Lavaman Triathlon Raffle Night Fundraising

A dedicated website is now up and running:
On this page you can purchase your tickets online if it is more convenient t you.

See you the 29th.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

30 Decembre

Retour de la pluie pour etre sur que l'on ne regrette pas 2009 :-)
Hier j'ai realise que je devais augmenter l'intensite de mon entrainement et surtout ne plus delaisser la course a pied. Du coup me voila parti sous un crachin presque breton juste pas en Bretagne pour un jogging de 5km. Ben, c'etait pas facile, j'avais les jambes raides, les mollets super tendus mais bon, j'ai quand meme couru. Un 5km en 28 min c'est quand meme pas si mal :-)
Maintenant j'attends avec impatience le cours de yoga de ce soir et peut-etre aussi un petit tour en velo avec Susan.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29th

Yesterday was dedicated to me :-) After an 30 min bike ride with no problem with the clip ons. I guess I start to have the hang of it. But the nice part of my day was the chiropractor appointment follow by an hour massage. Feel stiff right after but I know it's good for me :-D
Today, back to the route on swimming, Emilie join me at Britannia pool. I realize that it's harder to count when I swim in a shorter pool. I know I swam more than 450m continuous but maybe 50m meter more :-) The total distance is approximately 1100m. I really have to increase my distance....
Tomorrow, I'm meeting Susan for a bike ride youhou. I'm now looking to discover new bike routes to add a bite of variety in my rides... Any suggestions?

Monday, December 28, 2009

28 Decembre

Noël est passé, il est maintenant temps de retourné sérieusement à l'entrainement. En effet, j'ai repris la course hier avec le groupe et bien sur comme je ne me suis pas assez étiré, j'ai mal aux pattes :-) J'avais prévu d'aller faire une bonne heure de vélo aujourd'hui mais les routes sont complétements gelées, je dois donc attendre patiemment.
L'autre fait "marquant" de ma journée c'est la série papouillage qui m'attend: chiropracteur à 1h45 et massage à 3h45 comme un vrai athlète :-P

Friday, December 25, 2009

December 24th

Merry Christmas
As an early Christmas gift, I will test ride today my new bike. Kate is meeting me at home for a roughly 2 hours ride. The plan is to go from Commercial Dr to Deep Cove (approx 30km return).
But as we are hosting Christmas eve dinner, the ride is part of a marathon (cooking, cleaning, ...) And as if that was not enough Emilie who's on call for her first birth shadowing as a doula, receive a phone call at 9:00 telling her that the future mom is having contractions. I'm impress on how much work Emilie put before going for the birth delivery, she cleaned and organize the place beautifully. But sadly she won't be here for the dinner.
To come back to the bike ride, that's my new beast, I haven't name her yet, still waiting to know her better to have the perfect neame:
It's unbelieveable the difference that a road bike can make. It's so nice to ride and so fast, these 30km was just pleasure, maybe more if my toes were not freezing :-) I have to say that crossing the Second Arrow bridge is not the most relaxing part of the ride. But according to Kate there is way worth bridge around so can't complaint.
But now it's time to get dinner ready. On the menu, beautiful salad made by Emilie, seafood platter with oysters, salmon lox, smoked salmon, smoked tuna ... hmmm ... and as main dish Ahi Tuna with mango salsa and ratatouille. For dessert, cookie, brownie and a Fouguasse.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

22 Decembre

Ce week-end, j'ai échangé mon jogging dominical avec l'équipe contre un week-end au ski :-) Mais pas du ski fainéant, ski de randonnée sil vous plait. On vient juste d'avoir nos premières peaux, c'était donc la parfaite excursion. Nous voila donc samedi en train de monter les pistes de ski de Manning Park. Le regard des autres skieurs était très surpris et même devaient se demander pourquoi on prenait pas le télésiège comme tout le monde. Ce fut une superbe première. Le soleil et ciel bleu étaient au rendez-vous, du coup il faisait chaud, très chaud à la montée. Je dois avouer que je ne suis pas encore assez en forme pour faire une journée complète de ski de randonnée. Mais ca va venir. Les descentes ont été moins fatigantes mais beaucoup moins bien élégantes. Je ne maitrise pas encore totalement le technique particulière du télémark.
Lundi, ohhhhhhh, ma journée de repos sans sport et quasi sans travail non plus. Je crois que le plus fatigant c'était d'attendre que mes nouvelles chaussures de vélo soient livrées. :-)
Aujourd'hui comme tous les mardi, direction piscine avant le levé du soleil, pour 1.1km dont 400m non stop. Ce soir je vais surement essayer mon nouveau vélo Yooupiiii, je dois aller faire les derniers ajustements cette après-midi. Promis je mettrais des photos de mon engin.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Decmber 17th

I will start today not by my mood description neither than by my training feat. I just ride for the first time in my life with a biking short and once you pass the stranger feeling of have a diaper, once I'm on my bike, I have to say, it's really comfy :-) To keep going on my fashion post, I just got a winter tight from Sugoi and oh ... my ride was nice and tasty.
To come back to the training, as now every thursday morning, I'm meeting Susan at the pool but not today, bus issue. I discover that the power to have a training partner. It make is easier and more challenging. I only swin 900m today and I have to say I don't have arms left. Thanks to Robyn for her amazing yoga class last night ( But as I said I don't have strength in my arm to swim a lot today.
Tonight, so far we are going snow-shoeing in Mount Seymour. Hopefully it won't be raining :-D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

15 Decembre

Ouahhh... Premiere fois depuis un mois que je ne suis pas alle a la piscine en velo. Deviendrais-je fainéant? Non, mais peut etre un peu prudent. Hier il a neige pour la premiere fois cette saison sur Vancouver, pas grand chose mais comme il s'est mis a pleuvoir en soiree. Je n'ai pas voulu prendre le risque de faire Paff le pingouin :-)
Pour la premiere fois depuis le debut de l'entrainement on commence a travailler sur la distance. Ok on a commence raisonnablement ce matin mais quand meme, 400m quand tu n'y es pas habitue, c'est pas evident. La semaine prochaine pkoi pas essayer 500m :-)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13th

As many of my sunday (ok all my sunday since a month) start early by a group run from Granville Island. It's always a pleasure to meet the team and go for a run together. Today the treat was a brunch organized by Sandy at her non-house (she is house sitting some friends beautiful apartment) As Susan and I were invited to go to another brunch, it was very reasonably that we taste the pie frittata hmmm. After picking up Emilie, direction brunch #2 or lunch at Ricardo's house. I guess, it's the Christmas season when you have more than two social events in the same sunday. But as two was not enough, after Ricardo's brunch and dog walking in Mosquito creek, Emilie and I went to Andrea and Kendal's apartment for a "classic" German chrstimas party. So good german cookiesssss :-)

Friday, December 11, 2009

11 Decembre

Ça y est il neige ... bon d'accord pour l'instant c'est plus un mélange grêle-neige mais quand même, notre trottoir se recouvre lentement de cette blanche couche hivernale. Le seul hic c'est que ca va vraiment devenir galère de courir. Après le froid glacial de cette semaine voila la neige. Vivement Hawaï. Hier fut un triathlon, j'ai retrouvé Susan a la piscine après vélo pour aller au travail, vélo pour aller ajuster mes chaussures de télémark, vélo jusqu'au magasin de vélo pour essayer mon nouveau vélo (je suis super excité au passage :-) ) et ensuite bien sûr vélo pour rentrer à la maison, en tout ce fut presque 20km. Et comme il manque une activité sportive pour vraiment faire un triathlon, j'ai conclu cette chaude journée (ironique -2degC de moyenne) par un jogging de 6km. J'ai bien mérité ma journée de repos qui va se conclure par le diner de Noël de l'entreprise d'Émilie.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 8th

MINUS 6deg C, for my morning ride to the pool, was pretty much how cold I can go for without a winter bike tight at least and maybe a full face mask. Hopefully we can soon enjoy a sunny day without deeply freezing (always complaining). To go back to the training, Susan and I swim a bit less than last week, just 1km. It seems that the training fatigue start to accumulate. One of my big future objective and challenge is to be more careful on my diet. Not too much, not to few :-D.
Here is a scoop on the future fundraising event that Emilie and I will be organizing. I will take place end of January, beginning of February. The big attraction will be the raffles prices.
Stay Tune

7 Decembre

Quel bon week-end, bien remplit. Au menu samedi, journee sans sport ou presque: longue balade a Vancouver Nord avec Pastis, il a pu courir dans la foret et jouer dans la riviere (pas loin d'etre gelee) sans moderation. C'est bien sympa a regarder :-). Le reste de la journee a ete consacre au menage, lessive et double preparation de repas. Emilie s'occupait du diner (pomme d'amour, magret de canard et creme caramel) et de mon cote un gros chili corn carne pour la semaine :-).
Dimanche, apres avoir retrouve l'equipe pour courir presque 7km en tout, on est alle fete l'anniversaire d'Henriette lors d'une balade en raquette avec une fondue au chocolat a la pause, miam miam.... Je finirais par remercier Rob et Henriete d'avoir organise un mini tournois de poker dont la moitie de gains aller a l'association. Ayant gagner, l'autre moitie va aussi a l'association :-)

December 4th

I guess I got a bite lazy :-) lately on my blog, it's maybe due to the increase amount of work between my company and the end of the school program. One more week-end to work on my business plan and I'm done. For that at least. So to come back to training and my moods ;-) The yoga class on wednesday was just amazing, Robin got us working hard. Hard enough that I was wondering if I will have some arm left for the swin group training after my yoga class. I guess I haven't drawn as I'm writing this post. Tonight I met Susan for a good run session, from Larch to granville island and back. It's roughly 5km and I have to tell you, for a non-runner she is doing great. It's maybe due to her new watch. Tomorrow is my day off, I will have a look at a bike in North Van. Willie is so far very helpful to help me to fit my budget :-).

1er Decembre

Premier petit mot en français car y a pas de raison de limiter l'audience de ce fabuleux blog ... et en plus comme ca la famille peut suivre mes exploits :-) Aujourd'hui comme depuis presque un mois deja, c'est piscine au menu. En tout avec Susan, on a nage 1,100 m, c'est pas mal je trouve. Ca tombe quand même bien qu'il y a encore trois ou quatre mois d'entrainement, je ne me sens pas encore prêt pour 1,500m en mer sans petit murets tous les 50m pour faire une pause. Hier soir, j'ai eu mon premier cadeau de noël, Henriette pour son anniversaire organise une balade en raquette avec un tournoi de poker dont la majorité des gains seront donnes a "Team in Training". J'en reviens toujours pas de la gentillesse de mes amis, c'est la que je realise qu'on est chanceux.

November 28th

Just waking up after an amazing Beer Tasting event at St Augustine's. The turnout exceed my expectations. With the 50/50 draw, $500 were raised.
Thanks everyone for being their last night.
Today to gently recover, walk at UBC, international rugby game: Canada Vs Russia. I know it won't be as spectacular than France-New Zeland but eh, I do with what we have :-)

November 26th

I love this feeling, waking up in the morning knowing that your day will be great. Today, I met Cam and Kate for our now traditional breakfast. And you know what, it's great to spend time with my friends.

Last night was the first GTS, what I call good team shower, but officially it means Group Training Session. It was great to be back training with the group, I'm lucky that so fare all the guys are amazing. But to be serious, the session was not just eating brownie (thanks Shannon), we we in the after for a good hour and lost track of the distance. Now I have to work on my stroke to be more efficient in the water, so for the good cause, me :-)

November 24th

I start to like my tuesday mornings, even if I have to wake up at 5:45, bike for 20 min to the pool, swim for 25min and bike after again to find a coffee shop to have breakfast before going to school. I start to like it. I feel great (once at the coffee shop), and have the feeling to accomplish something great: training for my first triathlon (I'm still stock that I'm in this crazy challenge) and be part of the fight for a cure to Leukaemia. The other reason as well why I'm feeling great today is not due to the gigantic amount of work I have to accomplish before next monday but more because so far we have 34 confirmed guests at the Beer Tasting on friday. I really looking to it :-)

November 22nd

As mentioned earlier on this blog, the first beer tasting event is coming on. Buying a $20 ticket will give you the opportunity to have a burger (meat or veggie) a 4 beers taster (20 beers on tap to choose from) or one pint or a glass of wine or a non-alcohol drink. And with that you have a chance to win an amazing door price (too bad I'm organizing it).
It's happening at St Augustine's on commercial dr. and 8th, starting at 6:30. Buy your tickets before wednesday night, no ticket will be sold at the doors. Hopefully see there for a fun pub night.

November 22nd

So far it's a great week end with a good physical intensity. Yesterday, I took a yoga workshop on arm balance. It was a lot of head, hand and elbow stands, inversions ... all what I love in yoga. So this morning my arms and shoulders are a bit tired, good things it's our first run with the group and not swim (I will be sinking :-) )
After the run I met Cam for a great warm brunch at Cafe du Soleil, where even with a new owner the food is still really good as long you don't want the banana smoothie which was amazingly good by the past. The rest of my week-end will be fill with, house stuffs, homework and taking Pastis for a good run.

November 20th

After a long good restaurative night yesterday, I feel much better. Good enough to go play in the dantesque conditions last night for snowshoeing. For the second snowshoe trip, Michelle, Aaron, Kate and Emilie were part of the crazy group. Looking forward a dry trip :-) Maybe next time. Or maybe not as so far the rain is well installed since last week. Some friends say I have to be ready to bike under rain for the next 4 months... Youpi

November 19th

Hard morning today, a cold just suck down all my energy, I just need sleep.

November 17th

One funny thing I notice since I started to train for this triathlon except the constant rain, is that my days have to start earlier than usual even on wee-end. This morning for example, wake up at 5:45 to be at the pool to meet Susan for 30min. I start to understand why triathlete is a way of life like people who run marathon regularly. But you know what so far it very enriching to see that I didn't have to sacrifice anything (maybe a bit house work but I'm working on it to not leave everything to Emilie)

November 15th

Early wake up for a sunday morning 7:00. Why so early? For a long bike ride (allready rode with Susan yesterday:-)), a run to enjoy the sunset (weather does not allowed to see the sun today)? No, a 10k race in UBC, the weather was cold and wet (Do you see the trend is the weather). I was running with Emilie and she did great in 63min. It was funny to see Ally a the last pit-stop, what a surprise.

November 13th

For my biking training this morning, I was lucky to bike under all the elements I won't met in Hawaii: strong inconsistent wind, hail, rain and cold. I guess I have to be used to it, it's Vancouver :-)

November 12th

First bake sale at Educacentre College, it was a great success all 15 butter and 15 chocolate croissant got sold just in time for me to go back to my class on financial planing. Thanks a lot to Melanie for her great help.
As scoop, a Beer Tasting event will soon organize, I keep you posted.

November 7th

The excitement is still high even if the fundraising exercise is frightening me a bit :-). Thanks to my lovely upstairs neighbour, I have my first donation. Even to friend, it take some courage to ask for donation.

November 4th

One of my first day as running for Team in Training. I signed up the the triathlon on Kona Island... Can't wait to see the wahine dancers :-).